Power points are an essential feature of your home, providing the electricity you need to power your devices and appliances. Whether you’re looking to install new power points, replace old ones, or upgrade your electrical system, it’s important to understand the basics of power point installation and safety.

At Archon Electrical, we’re here to help you with all your power point needs. Our licensed electricians have years of experience installing and upgrading power points for residential and commercial properties throughout Melbourne.

In this article, we’ll answer some of the most common questions around power points, from installation and replacements to some helpful tips to keep your family safe.

How Many Power Points Should You Have in Each Room?

Power outlets are an essential feature in any modern home. They allow us to connect our devices and appliances to the electrical grid and power them efficiently. When it comes to power points, it’s always better to have more than fewer. This is because they can quickly become overcrowded with chargers and plugs, which can lead to electrical hazards like overloading and overheating. As a general rule, you should have at least one power point per wall in each room, with larger rooms like living areas and kitchens requiring four or more.

Additionally, you should consider your specific needs when determining the number of power points required. For example, if you have a home office or entertainment centre, you may require additional outlets to accommodate your devices. It’s always better to plan for the future and install additional ones than to try and make do with too few. This will ensure that your home is both functional and safe. At Archon Electrical, our licensed electricians can help you determine the best locations for your electrical outlets and install them safely and efficiently.

Can You Install a Power Point Yourself?

Although it might seem like a simple task, installing a power point yourself can be very dangerous. Electrical work requires specialised knowledge and training, as well as the right tools and equipment. Without these, attempting to install a power point can lead to electrical shock, electrocution, or even a house fire. Additionally, if your electrical installation doesn’t meet the necessary safety codes in Victoria, you could face significant legal and financial consequences.

So, always be sure to consult with a licensed electrician in Melbourne before installing or replacing any power points in your home or business.

What Is the Maximum Number of Power Points You Can Have on One Circuit?

In Australia, the maximum number of power points you can have on a single circuit is typically limited by the total demand of the devices you intend to use on that circuit, rather than a specific number of outlets. However, it is a common practice to have up to 8 to 10 outlets on a circuit, considering that not all outlets will be used at their maximum capacity simultaneously.

Australian standards require circuits for power points to be protected by a circuit breaker or fuse rated at a maximum of 20 amperes. Given this, the total load on the circuit should not exceed this limit. For example, if each outlet was used to power a device that draws 10 amperes, you could theoretically only use two outlets at once without overloading the circuit.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the actual number can vary depending on specific circumstances and regulations, and also the power demand of the devices you plan to use. Always consult with a qualified electrician like Archon Electrical when planning any changes to your electrical circuits for a safe and compliant installation.

Can You Replace Your Old Power Points with New Ones Without Rewiring the Entire House?

Absolutely, you can replace your old power points with new ones without having to rewire your entire house! It’s a common upgrade that many homeowners undertake, especially when refreshing the look of their home or when the old power points become worn out or unsafe.

Usually, the wiring that leads to the power point is just fine and doesn’t need to be replaced. The electrician will simply disconnect the old power point, check the condition of the existing wires and, if everything is in good order, attach the new power point. However, if the wiring is old or doesn’t meet current safety standards, it may need to be replaced. But don’t worry, this would typically only involve the local wiring at that specific power point, not the entire house.

USB and pop up power points have become a popular choice for home owners in Patterson Lakes and across Melbourne. - Archon Electrical Services

USB and pop up power points have become a popular choice for home owners in Patterson Lakes and across Melbourne.

Can You Install USB Power Points in Your Home?

Absolutely, you can install USB power points in your home! They’re a popular upgrade and can be a real game-changer when it comes to convenience.

USB power points have built-in USB ports alongside the standard power outlets. This means you can charge devices like smartphones, tablets, and other USB-powered devices directly from the power point, without needing a plug-in adapter. It’s a great way to free up your power points for other appliances, and keep your charging cables neat and tidy.

To install a USB power point, the process is similar to replacing a standard power point. The existing power point is removed, and the USB power point is connected to the existing electrical wiring. It’s a relatively quick job, but it should always be carried out by a licensed electrician to ensure safety and compliance with all relevant regulations and standards.

Here at Archon Electrical, we’ve installed countless USB power points for our customers in Melbourne. We’d be more than happy to help you modernise your home with this convenient upgrade. Just reach out to us, and we’ll take care of everything for you in a professional, friendly, and efficient manner!

How Much Does it Cost to Install a New Power Point?

The cost of installing a new power point will depend on several factors, including the location of the power point, the type of power point, and the complexity of the installation. At Archon Electrical, we offer competitive pricing on all our power point installation and replacement services.

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What Are The Safety Regulations for Power Point Installations in Melbourne, Victoria?

In Melbourne, Australia, and indeed across the country, there are strict safety regulations that govern the installation of electrical outlets. These regulations are designed to ensure the safety of people and property, and to minimise the risk of electrical fires and other hazards. Here are some basic regulations to consider when installing or replacing your power points in your home or business.

Licensed Electricians Only

Only a licensed electrician is allowed to carry out any form of electrical work, including the installation of power points. It’s not just a legal requirement, it’s also about safety. Qualified electricians have the necessary training, expertise and tools to ensure the work is done correctly and safely.

Australian Standards

The installation must comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Wiring Rules (AS/NZS 3000:2018). This standard covers a wide range of electrical installations, including power points.

Circuit Protection

Each power point circuit must be protected by a suitable circuit breaker or fuse in the switchboard. Moreover, the installation of a Residual Current Device (RCD) or safety switch is also mandated to provide additional protection against electric shock.

Correct Placement

There are also rules governing where power points can be placed. For instance, there are specific distance requirements when installing power points near sinks, bathtubs, showers or other sources of water to prevent potential electric shock hazards.


The number of power points on a single circuit is limited to prevent overloading. As mentioned earlier, typically, a maximum of 10 outlets (including lights and power points) are allowed on one circuit.


After installation, the electrician is required to test the power points and the circuit to ensure everything is functioning correctly and safely.

It’s essential to note that these regulations are not just guidelines – they are legal requirements. Non-compliance can lead to penalties, invalidate your insurance, and, more importantly, put you and your family at risk.

You can find more information and guidance on electrical standards on the Energy Safe Victoria website.

At Archon Electrical, we pride ourselves on our strict adherence to all safety regulations. When you choose us for your power point installations, you can rest assured that the work will be carried out to the highest professional standards, ensuring your safety and peace of mind.

Expert Power Point Installation and Upgrades by Licensed Melbourne Electricians

It’s essential to hire a licensed electrician to install your power points, as they have the expertise and experience to ensure that the job is done safely and correctly. A licensed electrician can also advise you on the best type of power points to install for your specific needs and the most appropriate location to place them.

At Archon Electrical, we’re committed to providing our customers with reliable, high-quality electrical services. Whether you need new power points installed, old ones replaced, or upgrades to your electrical system, we’re here to help. Click here for a free quote!

Ever had your power go out unexpectedly or noticed your lights flickering? It might not be just an electrical hiccup. Your switchboard might be crying out for an upgrade. Often overlooked, the switchboard is the heartbeat of your property’s electrical system, whether residential or commercial. In this article, we delve into why switchboard upgrades in Patterson Lakes are essential and how they can improve the safety and efficiency of your electrical system.

Why Switchboard Upgrades Are Essential

A switchboard routes electricity from one central point to various circuits around your home or business. Old, outdated switchboards are not equipped to handle the load of modern-day electrical demands. This mismatch can pose significant safety hazards such as electrical fires or electrocution. Furthermore, an outdated switchboard can lead to power outages, potentially disrupting your daily activities or business operations.

Upgrading your switchboard in Patterson Lakes enhances the safety of your property and ensures a reliable and efficient energy supply. Modern switchboards also come with safety switches, adding an extra layer of protection by automatically shutting off power during an electrical fault.

Signs You Need a Switchboard Upgrade

So, when should you consider a switchboard upgrade? Look out for these common indicators:

  1. Frequent tripping of circuit breakers
  2. Fuses blowing regularly
  3. Buzzing or crackling sounds from the switchboard
  4. Burning smells around the switchboard area
  5. Lights flickering without a clear cause
Electrical switchboards come in all shapes and sizes. Always ensure to hire a licensed electrician when looking for switchboard upgrades in Patterson Lakes.

Electrical switchboards come in all shapes and sizes. Always ensure to hire a licensed electrician when looking for switchboard upgrades in Patterson Lakes.

How Archon Electrical Handles Switchboard Upgrades

At Archon Electrical, we understand the intricacies of switchboard upgrades. Our process involves a comprehensive evaluation of your existing electrical system, identification of potential risks, and implementation of effective solutions tailored to your property’s specific needs.

Our success stories in Patterson Lakes demonstrate our commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction. Take a look at the dozens of five-star reviews we received from happy home and business owners here. As licensed electricians, we adhere to strict safety standards, ensuring that your upgraded switchboard aligns with industry and local regulations.

The Impact of Switchboard Upgrades on Your Energy Bill

An efficient switchboard does more than just enhance safety and reliability. It can also be a boon for your wallet. By effectively managing your electrical load, a modern switchboard reduces the chances of power wastage, potentially lowering your energy bills over time.

Importance of Hiring Licensed Electricians

When it comes to switchboard upgrades, it’s crucial to hire professionals who know their craft inside and out. Licensed electricians like the team at Archon Electrical are well-versed in the stringent standards that must be met, particularly in Patterson Lakes. Our familiarity with local conditions and regulations ensures that your upgrade will be up to par, providing peace of mind along with enhanced electrical performance.

Powering Up Your Property Safely and Efficiently

Switchboard upgrades in Patterson Lakes are not merely an option but a necessity for both safety and efficiency. Understanding when and why you need to upgrade, and entrusting this task to the hands of professionals, can make a substantial difference in the performance and safety of your electrical system.

So, whether you’re noticing signs of electrical trouble, or you’re just keen on ensuring that your property is safe and energy efficient, don’t overlook the importance of your switchboard. Archon Electrical is here to help with expert, licensed electricians providing quality switchboard upgrades. Contact us today to learn more about how we can light up your world in a safer, more efficient way.